Florida Art Therapy Services, LLC is a private practice specializing in Creative Individual & Group Counseling, Consultations, Clinical Supervision and Professional Development for Clinicians located in Fort Myers, Florida. In addition, we offer 4 (quarterly) free speaker/workshops a year open to the community. All are related to mental health, wellness and topics to help families and other clinicians to help families. We believe that healing can be better accomplished when we work in collaboration with the community. Below is a list of the upcoming events to be offered at the practice in 2019. More information about what we do and how to register for events or schedule an appointment for counseling can be found in the Services tab of the menu.
Thank you for your interest in learning more about us and our practice. We specialize in experiential focused treatment approaches using the visual arts, expressive writing, and play-based interventions to help our clients achieve their goals. Some people think that these approaches are “just for kids,” but they truly are for people of all ages and abilities.
Our approach to therapy is grounded by the work of developmental and object-relations psychoanalyst and pediatrician, Donald Winnicott. Winnicott, emphasized the concept of creating a “holding environment” where one develops the ability to establish a safe, trusting and secure relationship with oneself, others and the world. In therapy, there are many “holding environments”. We consider our art studios and play space to be “holding environments” where clients have access to a variety of stimulating materials from which to express themselves in ways that feel appropriate and safe to them. We understand that not everyone has the ability or desire to speak and give words to their experience. Some need to express visually, some through movement or music, some through play and others through narrative methods. The relationship between the therapist and the client is another version of the “holding environment.” Through the therapeutic relationship, the client learns to trust that the therapist can “hold” whatever behavior, emotion, belief or expression they emote. Often, these expressions may have been, or they fear that they will be, met with harsh criticism from others. The images, narratives or stories that the client creates also become a “holding environment” of their own and allow for difficult emotions, thoughts and experiences to be contained safely outside the creator. They also allow them to simultaneously reveal and conceal at the same time, providing them with the ability to develop mastery and control over their inner world.